Saturday, November 8, 2014

13 days left!
This one is more like a color comp than a proper painting. I might come back to this one and just keep going on it.
It's interesting to me that Omastar really isn't that different from Omanyte, especially when you compare Kabuto and Kabutops. At first glance you could mistake one for the other. Definitely one of the subtler changes.

Now, this seems like the most appropriate chance to talk Twitch Plays Pokemon. This might seem like hyperbole but I think:

Twitch Plays Pokemon is the most interesting and important thing that has ever happened.

It needs to be studied extensively by anthropologists because it's a microcosm of all of human history. A bunch of random nonsense happens, and our human brains impose a post-hoc narrative upon it. We create religions to explain and give meaning to events, we divide into factions and turn on each other, and we constantly ride the swinging pendulum between wanting society to impose a collective will (democracy) and wanting have individual freedom and let the chips fall where they may (Anarchy). Bloody Sunday was WWI and getting Zapdos was WWII.

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